Industrial lubricants

Lubricants for the mechanical engineering industry

Apart from our range of high-quality long-term machine lubricants, we also offer suitable industrial lubricants for a whole range of industrial purposes. Which product to use depends on your requirements in the production process or on the requirements in your field of activity.

Our aim is to reduce production costs by providing suitable, high-quality lubricants. This also applies to metal working.

Usually, we can significantly prolong operating times by using process-related maintenance measures for the lubricants. These measures not only reduce general costs but also promote health protection and product quality while minimising disposal costs.


We offer a comprehensive maintenance programme developed with our partners. The maintenance procedures that we offer are based on our practical experience. They are marked by many years of working together with the manufacturer and they have been optimised for use on technical surfaces.

If you would like specific product information, please contact us.

Machinery lubrication

With a view to maximum efficiency, we select the appropriate machine oils and fats for your production.

Metal working

Oils for metal working.

Food grade lubricants

Food lubricants satisfy the highest standards of food production.

Elles Oberflächen Systeme GmbH

Dr. Stephan Elles

Grüner Weg 66
52349 Düren

Fax: 0049 (0) 2421 555729
E-Mail: [email protected]